Go Global Office of Global Engagement

Arts Program Restrictions for Exchange Students

Including Economics courses at UBC

Programs with Restrictions

Anthropology (ANTH)

Courses at the graduate level (500+) are not available

Chinese Language (CHIN)

ALL incoming students who wish to take ANY CHIN-titled courses (or CNTO or CLCH 389/399) are required to complete an Online Placement Questionnaire to obtain a placement approval for registration. Students without approval will be removed from the class.

Students may not enroll in more than one level of Chinese Language in the same term.

Computational Linguistics (COLX)

These courses are part of the Master of Data Science program and are not available. For more information, please refer to our Faculty of Science program restrictions.

Creative Writing (CRWR)

Most 200-level courses are available. 400-level and 500-level courses are not open to exchange students. If you are requesting 300-level courses, please submit the following documents to go.global@ubc.ca:

  • Syllabus/course outline of the pre-req courses you have taken at your home university
  • A short writing sample in English, maximum 10 pages, ideally in the genre you want to take.

For any questions related to CRWR course requests, please email crwr.undergrad@ubc.ca.

Economics (ECON)

Exchange students hoping to take introductory micro- or macro- economics should take the corresponding 300-level courses (i.e. ECON 310 instead of ECON 101 and ECON 311 instead of ECON 102) 

Courses that are not available:

  • ECON 301, 302, 326, 364B, 390, 490, 492, 495 and 499  
  • Courses that are restricted to special programs such as Bachelor of International Economics courses (BIE) and Coordinated Arts
  • Graduate courses (500+ level)

Courses with limited availability:

  • ECON 425

Courses that need approval:

  • Approval for enrolment in honours courses will be rare. Students should have a very strong mathematical background and grades in the top 10% of their class. Requests will be adjudicated on a case-by-case basis by the honours advisor. Even if the student meets the criteria, enrolment is not guaranteed as capacity is limited. ECON 304, 305, 306, and 307 have limited availability. 

For any questions about these restrictions, please contact Go Global first.

English (ENGL)

Limited availability in ENGL courses:

  • First-year (100-level) courses are not available.
  • ENGL 210, ENGL 211, ENGL 489, ENGL 490, ENGL 491, and ENGL 492, courses for English Honours are not available.

Theatre & Film (CINE, FIPR, FIST, THTR)

Limited availability in Cinema Studies (CINE), Film Studies (FIST), Theatre (THTR), and Film Production (FIPR) courses. Many courses are restricted or not open to exchange students. Course schedule and restrictions may vary year to year.


  • Many courses have limited space and are restricted to students majoring in Cinema Studies at their home institution
  • Students are advised to check the Section Comments under the respective course section on the Course Schedule


  • FIPR 101, 131, 133 (non-restricted seats), 230, 234, and FIPR 469A (Community Storytelling) may be open to exchange students.
  • FIPR 233, 333, 337, 339, 433, 437, 439, 469G and 469H are not open to exchange students.
  • All other FIPR 300-, 400-, and 500-level courses may be available for exchange students with written permission from the instructor. Exchange students should contact Go Global to register for the waitlist and contact the instructor to obtain written permission after arriving. 


  • FIST 100 and 200-level FIST courses may be open to exchange students.
  • FIST 300 may be available for exchange students.
  • FIST 240, 331, 340, 445, and 449 are not open to exchange students.
  • All other FIST 300-, 400-, and 500-level courses may be available for exchange students with written permission from the instructor. Exchange students should contact Go Global to register for the waitlist and contact the instructor to obtain written permission after arriving.


  • THFL courses are not open to exchange and visiting students.

THTR - Acting/Directing

  • Courses in the BFA Acting program are not open to exchange students.
  • Following courses may be available for exchange students: THTR 130, 230, 317, 330, 339, 417, and 439.
  • Graduate courses (500+) in the Theatre Directing program may be available for exchange students with written permission from the instructor. Exchange students should contact Go Global to register for the waitlist and contact the instructor to obtain written permission after arriving. 

THTR - Design/Production

  • Limited availability in THTR Design/Production courses.
  • Exchange students should contact Go Global to register for the waitlist and contact the instructor to obtain written permission after arriving. 

THTR Studies

  • Limited availability in THTR Studies courses
  • THTR  445 and 449 are not open to exchange students.
  • Exchange students should contact Go Global to register for the waitlist and contact the instructor to obtain written permission after arriving. 

First Nation and Indigenous Studies (FNIS)
  • FNIS 310 and FNIS 320 are restricted to FNIS majors and minors only.
  • FNIS 400 is restricted to FNIS majors only. 
  • All other FNIS courses offered (including graduate-level courses) can only be taken with permission from the instructor. 
French (FREN)

Students are required to have completed at least three years of French and can participate comfortably in courses taught exclusively in the French language in order to study French while at UBC. Below that level, we offer only a single French language course per term.

Media Studies

The following courses in the Bachelor of Media Studies are not open to exchange students: FIPR 233, FIST 240, FIST 340, INFO 250, INFO 419, and INFO 456 (they are restricted to UBC BMS students only).

Political Science (POLI)

There is limited availability in POLI courses. All first- and second-year courses are open to exchange students.

  • Political Science or International Relations majors (as well as majors in related fields) may register in a maximum of three 300-level courses per term.
    • Some 300-level POLI courses require lower-level prerequisites prior to enrollment as following:
    • POLI 380: prerequisite is POLI 110 or its equivalent.
    • POLI 301-310: students interested in POLI 301-310 are strongly encouraged to take POLI 101 first.
  • Non-Political Science and International Relations majors may not have access to 300-level courses.
  • 400-level POLI courses and Graduate level (500-) courses are not available.
Psychology (PSYC)

Graduate courses are not available.

Courses that require permission from the course instructor:

  • PSYC 217, 218, 301, 303, 306, 359, 361, 365, 367, 368, 404, 409, 417, 427, 460, 461, 462 and 472
  • Directed Studies: PSYC 340, 440, 388, and 488 require permission after students arrive

Courses not open to exchange students (no exceptions):

  • PSYC 277, 278, 370, and 371 (these courses are restricted to UBC degree-seeking students in the Behavioural Neuroscience program)
  • PSYC 349 and 449
Visual Arts (VISA)

There is limited availability in VISA courses. A portfolio is required for students interested in studio art courses (except for 100-level courses, which are open to all students).

UBC Visual Art major and minor students are given priority registration in VISA courses numbered 300 and above.

University Writing Centre Courses (WRIT)

WRIT 098 and WRIT 099 are open to exchange students but are not covered under your tuition waiver. You will need to pay tuition for these courses.