Go Global Office of Global Engagement

Transfer credits for Go Global

Transfer Credit Portal

The more you understand how coursework completed through Go Global study programs transfer, the more prepared you'll be. Log onto the Transfer Credit Portal to submit and track the progress of your transfer credit requests.

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Transfer credits at a glance

How does the transfer credit process work?

  1. Prepare for your Go Global  experience by completing your Study Plan as part of your Go Global application where needed and discuss course planning with your faculty designate for transfer credit. See below for your faculty designate. Use the Course Search Tool to help with your planning.
  2. While you are studying at your partner university, submit your requested transfer credits in a package of courses on the Transfer Credit Portal.
  3. The relevant faculties and departments will review and evaluate your courses to determine how they will transfer in terms of equivalent credits.
  4. Make sure Go Global receives your partner university transcript after you have completed your program. They will then upload a copy to your Transfer Credit Portal package for your faculty designate to assign your transfer credit. 
  5. Enrolment Services will post your credit to your academic record.

The whole process can take more than 16 weeks for evaluation, and requires action on your part during and potentially after your Go Global study program. Read the following information carefully to ensure a smooth process.

Transfer Credit FAQs

Learn what to do before, during, and after your Go Global experience in order to complete the transfer credit process.

How can I see what courses have already transferred?

Use this Course Search Tool to check out evaluated courses at partner universities that previous Go Global students have transferred back in the last 5 years. You can search by partner university course information, or the evaluated UBC equivalent. If you don’t see a particular course listed, it simply means the course needs to be submitted as a new course request for transfer credit.

Note: Not all previously evaluated courses listed are offered every session at the partner university. This is a general guideline only - research the partner’s website for course offerings.

Any questions? Contact us at go.global@ubc.ca.

When should I submit my courses to the online transfer credit portal?

Once you have finalized your course registration at the partner university (e.g., after the partner university’s add/drop deadline), submit your courses for evaluation in the Transfer Credit Portal. You can submit course requests at any time, but they are only processed after each submission deadline has passed. There are four submission deadlines throughout the year, and the process takes approximately 16 weeks following each deadline.

For important deadlines to consider when submitting your transfer credits, see the Transfer Credits Submission Deadlines section below.

How will my credits transfer and appear on my academic record?

Credits taken abroad may be transferred in one of three ways:

  1. Unassigned faculty credit with year level (e.g., ARTS 3rd)
  2. Unassigned department credit with year level (e.g., POLI 3rd)
  3. Specific course credit (e.g., PSYC 350)

Your academic advisor will determine how the credits will be applied to your program and degree requirements. For academic advising assistance, reach out to your faculty designate, listed below.

Only the partner university name and the total UBC credit you received appears on your UBC transcript (e.g., "University of Sydney, 15 credits"). Grades earned abroad do not appear on your UBC transcript. How individual courses transferred will only appear on the Student Services Centre (SSC)  (e.g. "HIST 300" or "HIST 3rd year") or Degree Navigator. The exchange (EXCH) code on your transcript is never updated with grades or credit.

Where should I have my partner university transcript sent?

Please have a digital copy of your transcript provided to go.global@ubc.ca

UBC cannot accept transcripts from students as official. We must receive your transcript directly from your partner university, or through a secure document sharing platform that your partner university may use.

If hardcopy mailing is your only option, have the transcript mailed to:

Go Global: International Learning Programs 
University of British Columbia 
1100-6138 Student Union Boulevard
Vancouver, BC  V6T 1Z1 Canada

 Transfer credit submission deadlines

Deadline to submit In order to
July 31
  • Make changes to Winter Session Term 2 courses before the Term 2 add/drop deadline.
  • Have your courses evaluated on the Transfer Credit Portal by mid-December.
October 31
  • Meet the May Graduation application deadline.
  • Plan for next year's Summer Session courses.
  • Have your courses evaluated on the Transfer Credit Portal by the end of February.
January 31
  • Plan for next year's Winter Session courses.
  • Have your courses evaluated on the Transfer Credit Portal by the end of May.

April 30

  • Meet the November graduation deadline.
  • Make changes to Winter Session courses before the Term 1 add/drop deadline.
  • Have your courses evaluated on the Transfer Credit Portal by the end of August.

 Step 1. Before Going Abroad: Preparing your Go Global application

Every student participating in a study program (exchange or study abroad) through Go Global is eligible to receive transfer credit for academic courses successfully completed abroad.

In this section, you can find more information on how credits received while on Go Global study programs may transfer back to UBC.

How will my credits transfer?

Credits taken abroad may be transferred in one of three ways:

  1. Unassigned faculty credit (e.g., ARTS, third-year)
  2. Unassigned department credit satisfying a general requirement (e.g., POLI, third-year)
  3. Specific course credit (e.g., PSYC 350)

You can suggest or request certain transfer credits, but the faculty or department reviewing your courses will determine how the credits transfer. For reference, you can view transferred courses from previous Go Global students through our Course Search Tool.

How many UBC credits can I transfer back?

Since many partner universities do not grant the same number of credits per course as UBC, a credit equivalency formula exists for each partner university. 

Use the partner university search tool to search by university. View the equivalency formula on the “Courses + Transfer Credit” tab on each partner page. This formula calculates the equivalent UBC credits from coursework taken abroad.

The maximum number of credits you can earn on a winter session term exchange is 15 UBC credits per term. This may vary by faculty, so check with your faculty's academic advising office. For the summer session, the maximum credits vary by summer program. 

The minimum number of credits you need to be enrolled in are determined by your host institution. You also need to maintain minimum enrolment requirements for immigration purposes and loans or scholarship eligibility, where applicable.

Go Global transfer credits do not count toward the total amount of transfer credit allowed in your degree. They count as credit earned at UBC.

For graduate students, please refer to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies transfer credit web page for information on transferring credits to UBC.

Contact your faculty designate (listed below) if you have questions about the number of credits that you can transfer.

What courses are not eligible for transfer?

Unfortunately, not all courses meet the academic standard of UBC. If a course falls within the following categories and does not include any academic coursework, you may not be able to receive transfer credit for it:

  • Physical education courses/ sports / activities (e.g., Kung Fu)
  • Research or internship programs
  • Field trips and sightseeing
  • English language learning courses where English is not the partner university's language of instruction
  • Non-credit courses (e.g., Continuing Studies or Extended Learning)
  • Courses without assessment (e.g., exams, papers, grades, etc.)

Ultimately, the faculty or department evaluating each course will determine if a course can be granted transfer credits.

Which courses should I take while abroad?

This is up to you! Select courses open to Go Global students at the partner university that you are interested in and meet any prerequisites for. Make the most of your Go Global study program by selecting courses that may fulfill your academic requirements for your degree and/or are in topics not available at UBC. 

Students often take upper-level academic courses (e.g., courses that are equivalent to 300- and 400-level UBC courses), but lower-level academic courses can be taken as well. 

Browse the course schedules at the partner university to see courses offered by using the partner university search tool going to the "Courses + Transfer Credits" section. You can also search the already evaluated courses that previous Go Global students have taken and transferred back using the Course Search Tool.  

Don't see the course you want to take or transfer? Don’t worry, new ones are added all the time as students take new courses at our partner universities.

For assistance with academic planning, please contact your faculty designate, listed below.

How can I determine the year level of courses?

A course is likely a lower-level course if:

  1. It does not have any prerequisites.
  2. It is an "Introduction to" course.
  3. It covers the subject at a very broad level without going into detail in a particular topic.

Courses in the last year of a three-year degree program will often transfer as upper-level UBC credit. Ultimately, the faculty or department evaluating each course will determine the year level.

How many pass/fail credits can I take?

At some partner universities, students have the option to choose between receiving pass/fail credits or grades. Please see below for your Faculty’s policy on pass/fail credits.

Arts & Science

If an Arts or Science student chooses to receive pass/fail credit while on Go Global, the credit can only count towards elective credits. Pass/fail credits count towards the 12 maximum allowable credit/D/fail credits permitted in an Arts or Science degree. 

For example, if a student already has 6 credit/D/fail credits on their UBC transcript, they may only take 6 pass/fail credits while on a Go Global study program. If pass/fail is the standard grading system at the partner university, there are no limitations to the courses taken under pass/fail.

Science students, please refer to faculty specific credit/D/fail policy here


COMM and COHR courses cannot be taken by pass/fail. Pass/fail credits obtained on a Go Global study program for non-business courses count towards the 12 maximum allowable credit/D/fail credits permitted in a Commerce degree. 

For example, if a student already has 6 credit/D/fail credits on their UBC transcript, they may only take 6 pass/fail credits while on exchange. If pass/fail is the standard grading system at the partner university, there are no limitations to the courses taken under pass/fail.

Other faculties

Please consult your academic advising office to learn more about pass/fail credits.

Can I get transfer credit for a program that isn't through Go Global?

You are welcome to do programs independently of Go Global, but it’s unlikely you’ll be able to transfer credit for coursework you complete. This includes programs at partner schools that Go Global has not offered that session.

When students apply for Go Global programs, we secure faculty approvals during the application review process that allow you to transfer credit. While students can apply to some programs directly without going through Go Global, they would need prior permission from their home faculty to transfer credit back to UBC. Independents are also ineligible for student services and funding opportunities related to Go Global programs.

If you're considering applying to programs as an independent, please reach out to your faculty advising office about next steps.

Faculty Designates

Do you need help planning which courses to take while on a Go Global study program? The following designates from each faculty are available to provide advice to students from specific programs about meeting academic requirements.

Faculty Designate Contact Information
Applied Science cie.apsc@ubc.ca
Architecture jodonnell@sala.ubc.ca
Arts arts.transfercredit@ubc.ca
Forestry chiara.longhi@ubc.ca
Kinesiology deborah.gromer@ubc.ca
Land and Food Systems quinde@mail.ubc.ca 
Landscape Architecture, Urban Design and Environmental Design des@sala.ubc.ca
Music music.advisor@ubc.ca
Sauder School of Business ann.gilray@sauder.ubc.ca
Science yana.yablonovskaya@science.ubc.ca

 Step 2. Submitting transfer credits while abroad

AnchorOnly once you have finalized course registration at the partner university (e.g., after the partner university’s add/drop deadline), submit your courses for evaluation in the Transfer Credit Portal. 

  • Students should use the Transfer Credit Portal to:
  • Submit a new request to evaluate course(s)
  • Track the progress of your course evaluation
  • Download a PDF of your transcript from the partner university once it has been received by Go Global

Download Sample Syllabus

[Check out the demo video for the new TCP]

How do I use the Transfer Credit Portal?

To minimize the time it takes to process your transfer credits complete the following steps:

  1. Review the tutorial video above.
  2. Log into the Transfer Credit Portal with your CWL.
  3. Update the information in your student profile.
  4. Then enter in your partner university details to begin a new package which will contain your requested courses for transfer credit.
  5. Search and add courses that have already been transferred to your draft package (e.g. already exist in the database of evaluated courses), OR submit new course requests (more information below).
  6. Once you have added all of your course requests, submit your transfer credit package by the deadline for course review.
What do I need to submit?

If you are taking a course at your partner university that has previously been transferred by other UBC students, you can add this existing course to your package. In most cases, you don't need to add any additional information.

If you are taking the same course in a different language, you must submit a new course request, following the procedure outlined below.

Keep all of your syllabi and materials, even if the course already exists in our database. Course evaluations are reviewed every five years, and you may be asked to provide an updated syllabus to your faculty designate, listed above.

For any new course, you will need to provide detailed course information. The new course request form requires the following information:

  • Course number (subject code & course code) & title at the partner university
  • Instructor name & contact info
  • Credit hours at the partner university
  • Info about the degree structure at the partner university (e.g. 4-year undergraduate degree)
  • Course description
  • Prerequisites
  • Description of assignments & grading breakdown
  • Schedule of topics
  • Reading list
  • Copy of the syllabus
  • What UBC credits you are requesting (what you think this course should transfer as)

 Go Global: Sample Course Syllabus

Please see a sample course syllabus provided by Go Global.

Where do I find course outlines?
  • Refer to your partner university's website 
  • Contact your course instructor (email, visit them during office hours, etc.). 
  • If they do not provide you with all the required information, compile the information yourself into a course outline format using the sample syllabus template provided
  • If the course information is not in English, you will need to contact the relevant professor or department at your partner university to request an English version, or provide a rough translation to upload together with the original course syllabi
What if my course selection changes?

For any course(s) that you have added after submitting your package, submit a new course evaluation package with the added course(s). Your faculty designate will merge this new course with your first submitted package later. Please note it may take longer for any added courses to be evaluated. Contact your faculty designate when adding any new courses separate from your original package. 

For any course(s) that you have dropped, please email your faculty designate and go.global@ubc.ca and indicate which course(s) you have dropped.

How do I ensure the release of my partner university transcript?

Go Global requires your transcript as a part of the transfer credit process. Some transcripts get sent to Go Global automatically, while others require action on students’ part - see the next question in this section for details.

Make sure you complete any necessary administrative tasks before departing your host university, in order to release your transcript. For example, you may be required to:

  • Sign forms in person
  • Complete teacher evaluations
  • Pay outstanding fees

All official transcripts must be sent directly to UBC Go Global (see “Where should I have my partner university transcript sent?” in the first section of this page for our address). Go Global can only accept transcripts directly from partner universities as official.

Find out about transcript policies at the partner institution ahead of time and order transcripts for personal use  (e.g., for graduate school applications) before you leave.You will need to request personal-use transcripts directly from the partner university. 

How do I know if my transcript will automatically be sent to Go Global?

Some partners automatically send transcripts to us, while several partners require action on students’ part in order to release transcripts. Plan ahead and find out from the partner university or contact Go Global before the end of your study program to see whether you need to take any action for your transcript to be sent.

Step 3. Returning from abroad

In this section, you will find information about any additional follow-up that may be necessary upon receiving your approved transfer credits.

I’ve completed my program. What do I need to do next to get my transfer credits?

Results from the Transfer Credit Portal are added to your academic record only after your final transcript from the partner university has been received.

Check with your partner institution about completing any administrative tasks that will allow your transcript to be released and ensure that all official transcripts are sent directly to UBC Go Global. Please see the section above on “How do I ensure the release of my partner university transcript?” for more information.

How long does it take to process my transfer credits and when will they appear on my UBC transcript?

It can take up to 16 weeks for courses to be evaluated by your faculty and department. Final transcripts from partner institutions are usually available about 2-3 months after the program ends. Once your final transcript has been uploaded to your portal account, the transfer credit will be added to your UBC academic record. This may take up to 2-4 additional weeks.

Why does the process take so long?

Go Global receives over 900 course evaluation requests with each consisting of between 5 to 10 courses and coordinates with faculties and departments to get them evaluated.

It takes time to distribute your courses to all the relevant faculties for individual review, evaluate courses, receive and upload your transcript, and apply credits to your academic record. Transfer credit is a complex process involving many people from different units including partner institutions, Go Global, various faculties and departments, and Enrolment Services.

Where can I view my transfer credits?

The results of the evaluation will appear online on the Student Service Centre, in the separate "Transfer Credit" section or in Degree Navigator if your faculty uses it. You can track the status of your transfer credits  in the online Transfer Credit Portal. Please contact your faculty designate if you have any questions.

Transfer Credits can also be found in top portion of your UBC Academic Transcript. See below for an example:

Will my Go Global grades appear on my UBC transcript?

No, only the partner university name and the total UBC credit you received appears on your UBC transcript (e.g., "University of Sydney, 15 credits"). How individual courses transferred will only appear on the SSC (e.g., "HIST 300" or "HIST 3rd year") or Degree Navigator. The EXCH code on your transcript is never updated with grades or credit. Please see "Where can I view my transfer credits?" above.

Grades earned abroad do not affect your UBC GPA nor appear on your UBC transcript. However, they are still part of your permanent academic record which may affect your applications to graduate programs as well as present or future funding. We suggest requesting additional transcript(s) from the partner institution for personal use.

If you currently have a scholarship or loan, contact your Enrolment Services Advisor.

What if I want to meet specific degree requirements through transfer credit I received?

Contact the appropriate advisor in your department or faculty. For program requirements, contact your departmental advisor. For faculty requirements, contact the central faculty advising office. Bring a copy of your course syllabus with you when you meet with your advisor. At their discretion, an advisor may waive a program or faculty requirement if they feel it has been met abroad.

How do I appeal an evaluation?

If you do not agree with how your course(s) has been evaluated, you can make an appeal for re-evaluation by contacting your faculty designate, listed above. It is important to provide specific information about why you think the courses should be evaluated differently and supporting documentation.

How can I get a copy of my partner university transcript?

When Go Global receives your official transcript from the partner university, a scanned copy will be available for you to download from the Transfer Credit Portal. The original hard copy transcript will be sealed with your permanent record at Enrolment Services. If Go Global receives multiple copies, we will contact you to come pick up any additional copies.

To obtain a transcript for personal use (e.g. for graduate school applications), you will need to request this directly from the partner university. Plan ahead and  find out about transcript policies at the partner institution and order transcripts for personal use before you leave.

Contact Go Global

In-person and Virtual Drop-in advising hours

  • Tuesday: 1:00 - 3:00 pm (On pause for the summer until Fall 2024)
  • Wednesday: 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Go Global offers both in-person and virtual drop-in advising through Zoom during the times listed above.