Our office strengthens UBC's global connections and impact by facilitating global partnerships and creating transformative learning opportunities for students at home and around the world.

At the Office of Global Engagement, we oversee global services, programs, events and activities worldwide through our Go Global and Global Partnerships units, and two regional offices in New Delhi, India and Hong Kong.

UBC Global facts + stats


Alumni in 160 countries (Times Higher Education 2024)


Faculties & schools at UBC's 2 main campuses


Students are international (Times Higher Education 2024)

2 campuses


UBC’s Vancouver campus is set in a cosmopolitan city, between ocean and mountains, consistently rated one of the best places to live worldwide. Known for its mild climate, Vancouver is an ideal destination to explore year-round. The campus sits on the leafy Point Grey Peninsula overlooking the water. Read more.

UBC Aerial

Okanagan Valley 

UBC’s Okanagan campus is near downtown Kelowna, a cultural hub and popular vacation destination in the arid Okanagan Valley. Hot and sunny in summer, the area is an outdoor lover’s dream, with beautiful lakes, sandy beaches and big views. Biking, boating, wine tasting and skiing are popular activities.​ Read more.

UBC O Campus Aerial

UBC welcomes students from around the world


Semester-based exchange

Studying abroad expands worldviews and fosters cultural understanding. UBC's Go Global admits 1,000+ incoming exchange students for academic studies each year, for one or two terms, on the Vancouver or Okanagan campus. Most students take courses within the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Applied Science and Sauder School of Business.

UBC Vancouver
Website: Coming to UBC on exchange 
Contact: go.global@ubc.ca


UBC Okanagan
Website: Study abroad at UBC Okanagan 
Contact: goglobal.okanagan@ubc.ca


Visiting International Research Students

UBC is a hub for outstanding researchers from around the world. UBC Go Global's Visiting International Research Students welcomes students from abroad to contribute to our community of inquiry. The program admits international students conducting full-time research to work with us under the supervision of a UBC faculty member.

UBC Vancouver
Website: VIRS program
Contact: go.global@ubc.ca


UBC Okanagan
Website: VIRS program
Contact: virs.okanagan@ubc.ca


Vancouver Summer Program

Vancouver Summer Program is a four-week academic program for international undergraduate students on UBC's oceanfront Vancouver campus. It is as much about academics as it is about Canadian social and cultural experiences. Students develop educational pursuits, build friendships and broaden their perspectives while experiencing one of the world's top international universities.


Okanagan Global Summer Program

The Okanagan Global Summer Program is a three-week academic program based on UBC’s Okanagan campus. Students take interdisciplinary, project-focused courses where they will learn a blend of skills and knowledge and practically apply them to real-world issues. Upon successful completion, students will receive one or more UBC micro-credentials. This all-inclusive program also offers students the opportunity to experience new perspectives, cultures, friendships and more.

Non-degree Studies

Visiting students can take part in non-degree UBC studies on both British Columbia campuses. 
See more information about about each type of non-degree studies, plus application deadlines, tuition and fees.

UBC Vancouver
Website: Non-degree Studies
Contact: non.degree@ubc.ca

UBC Okanagan
Website: Non-degree Studies
Contact: nondegree.ok@ubc.ca


photo: E. Cheng/UBC student


"A rainbow. Oh my goodness, I got a picture under a rainbow on Kjerag mountain in Norway. I thought that after hiking up to the boulder on Kjerag I would not see anything more amazing, and then... a giant rainbow." (photo: Ethan Cheng, UBC Go Global student)

Student funding

Canada: The Government of Canada through Global Affairs Canada has many awards and scholarships available to visiting students to help fund their academic endeavors. Learn more.

Mitacs: Since 2009, Mitacs, a non-profit national research organization, has matched more than 1,000 senior undergraduates with Canadian faculty through its Globalink Research Internships initiative. Mitacs Globalink offers two-way mobility opportunities between Canada and Mitacs partner countries for both undergraduate and graduate students. Learn more.

Partner services

We are here to help foster connections—whether you are looking to collaborate with us for the first time or are an existing partner interested in deepening ties to the UBC academic community. The Office of Global Engagement fosters collaboration valuable for our faculty, staff and partners. We support research, projects and educational initiatives that address issues of global relevance, capacity building and developing students as global citizens. We are also a central coordination point for international partnership agreements. In addition, our office hosts global delegations and welcomes visitors from overseas. 

Read more about partnership services.
See a listing of UBC’s current formal partnerships.

Website: global.ubc.ca/partner-ubc
Contact: global.partnerships@ubc.ca

The Office of Global Engagement works collaboratively with UBC Okanagan’s International Office, which supports partnership development, international academic initiatives and programs, and hosts global delegations on UBC’s Okanagan campus.

Website: Partnership Development (ubc.ca)
Contact: international.ok@ubc.ca


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