Go Global Office of Global Engagement

European Union Study Tour - Research Seminar

POLI 326 | 3 credits

Program overview

This course is led by Kurt Huebner, Faculty of Arts

  • Course dates: May 13 - May 30, 2024 
  • Travel dates: May 13 - May 30, 2024
  • Format: in-person 
  • Locations: Frankfurt, Brussels, Strasbourg, Luxembourg, Hachenburg, Eltville 
  • Approximate program fee: ~$4000 (Go Global Fee, tuition and flights are not included) 
  • Funding available (click through to learn more about each award) 

Information Session Recording


Passcode: w@M&TY@5

Apply by December 5, 2023

Application instructions here.

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About the course                                                                                                      

The European Union (EU) is a unique political arrangement that integrates overall 27 nation-states and also represents the largest common market globally. Canada and the EU are close partners, sharing common values. The field school (in combination with an internship program) trains the next generation of Canadian EU experts. This field school offers on-site visits of all critical institutions of the European Union (European Commission. European Parliament, European Central Bank, European Court of Justice), NATO, the Canadian Embassy in Brussels, and some carefully selected NGOs. Students will have seminars with representatives of all these institutions. The program comes with a strong research component, i.e. a particular topic which students will research beforehand and then use the meetings for in-depth interviews. 

Student testimonials: 

"The seminar and the optional internship program were so highly valuable in enriching my academic knowledge, as well as preparing me for a professional career. The seminar portion, even when online, was super impactful and in-depth; it provided me with a unique European perspective in regard to climate policy. The two months that I spent in Brussels interning through the program were immensely helpful to me, as well as several of the other Canadian interns that I spoke to, in helping us narrow down our career paths and gain valuable professional experience. 

“This program is extremely valuable both academically and professionally and I couldn't recommend it enough to fellow Political Science/International Relations students.” 

Program eligibility  
General Global Seminar requirements

To participate in a Global Seminar, students must: 

  • Be in good-standing in their faculty (as defined by home faculty) 
  • In the year leading up to the Global Seminar, have full-time student status (as defined by home faculty)  
  • Have completed 2nd year requirements before the start of the program (i.e., eligible for 3rd or 4th year standing)  
  • Have at least a 70% academic average in your last full-time academic session before applying  
  • Maintain a 70% academic average leading up to the program  
  • Meet any program specific requirements listed below including pre-requisites before participating 
Program-specific requirements
  • This is an interdisciplinary program: All are welcome!

Final selection will be done by the lead faculty program directors. Spots in the program may be limited.  

Students who wish to participate in the summer after graduating may be eligible on a case-by-case basis. 

Experience and conditions in the Field

The program runs Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to about 4 pm, with daily debriefing sessions from 6 - 7 pm.  

About 50% of the days will be spent in Brussels where some of the most critical institutions are located. We will also visit the European Central Bank in Frankfurt and will go to Strasbourg, to visit the European Court of Justice. At the former institution, students will get a talk on the greening of monetary policy and the role of the ECB in climate policies. 

Students will on average have two seminars of about 2h length each, and then about 2-3 h per day of information sessions about the particular institutions. 

Travel by bus to Frankfurt (ECB and joint seminar with students of the University of the German Central Bank); Strasbourg and Luxembourg (European Investment Bank). 



Program fees and costs
Approximate program fees: ~$3400* 

*The final fee depends on the number of students in the program. All Global Seminars only run if there is a minimum number of students enrolled.  

  • Accommodation  
  • Excursions and entrance fees  
  • Some group meals  
  • On-site guest lectures
Not Included:  
  • Go Global Fee
  • Flights
  • UBC tuition for credits  
  • Visa/country entrance fees  
  • Health or travel insurance  
  • Personal spending money* 

*Some examples of personal costs include: mobile communication, personal transportation that is not related to the learning outcomes of the program, additional meals that are not already identified as part of the Program Fee, immunizations, Visas, etc.  

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