Go Global Office of Global Engagement


Before you get started, make sure you are eligible for a Go Global program. For Exchange, Study Abroad, Summer Abroad or Research Abroad, you must meet all requirements to participate.

Check all requirements:

1. Go Global
  • You must have at least a 70% average in your most recent academic term
  • You need to be a UBC student in good academic standing
  • You must be a full-time student in the year before your Go Global experience
  • All undergraduate students except for students in Arts must have third or fourth year standing during the exchange or study abroad program
  • Students may participate in one full-year or two single-term (winter session) exchange experiences during their degree 

How your grades will be evaluated

Go Global will review your Winter Term 1 (September – December) grades if you’re applying for:

  • The main exchange deadline in December

  • Summer study at a partner institution (depending on the program, deadlines are in December or January)

Go Global will be reviewing your Winter Term 2 (January – April) grades if you’re applying for the Round 2 Exchange deadline in May.

To discuss possible appeals or exceptions to the UBC requirements outlined above, please connect with a Go Global advisor.

If you require academic or other accommodations abroad, please speak to your regional Exchange advisor six weeks before applying.

Taking your final term abroad before graduating

Students cannot graduate before all transfer credit is processed and degree requirements are complete. Students should return to UBC for at least one term after their Go Global program before graduation in order to allow for the transfer credit process to be complete.

For example, due to normal transfer credit processing times, it is not possible to graduate in May if you finish your degree requirements while abroad in Term 2.

Requirements for taking your final term abroad

Going on exchange or study abroad for your final term requires approval from Go Global and your faculty advisor. 

  1. Meet with a Go Global advisor. In this meeting, you will discuss the program, transfer credit timelines, and possible risks or consequences with your plan.
  2. Meet with your faculty advisor to discuss your degree requirements and eligibility for graduation. It is also recommended that you meet with your program or departmental advisor.

As transfer credit equivalencies are not always determined before your exchange or study program ends, there is also a risk that your transfer credits may not meet your remaining degree requirements, and you may need to return to UBC for additional courses.​​​​​​

2. Your UBC faculty 
Undergraduate students (except in Arts)

For all undergraduate students except for students in Arts, you must have completed year two prior to the Go Global experience.

If you require academic or other accommodations abroad, please connect with a Go Global Advisor six weeks before applying.

Arts students

You can go abroad in your second year. You must complete the Writing Requirement before going abroad.

If you require academic or other accommodations abroad, please connect with a Go Global Advisor six weeks before applying.

Science students
  • You must have your Science Foundation requirement completed
  • You must have at least 3 credits of Communication coursework completed
  • You cannot have attempted more than 100 credits by the end of the Winter Term 2 prior to the exchange term start
  • You must have no pending Standing Deferred examinations from terms preceding the term in which you are applying for exchange
  • You must complete all pending Standing Deferred examinations from the session in which you are applying for exchange, prior to departure on exchange

Please note:

  • If you are in Class Standing 4 at the time of application you will only be eligible for Summer Abroad.
  • Transfer students: You must spend a full year at UBC before going abroad.
  • Prior degree holders and students in the Bachelor of Computer Science program are not eligible to apply.

Please visit https://science.ubc.ca/students/experience/goglobal for the full list of eligibility requirements and complete details on going on exchange as a student in the Faculty of Science.

If you require academic or other accommodations abroad, please connect with a Go Global Advisor six weeks before applying.

Law students

You must have an overall average of 70% in the year that you are applying for Go Global and have second or third-year standing during your Go Global period.

Transfer students: You can only go abroad for one term.

If you require academic or other accommodations abroad, please connect with a Go Global Advisor six weeks before applying.

Bachelor of Design in Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urbanism students

Students in the Bachelor of Design in Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urbanism program are recommended to participate in exchange in term 2 in their third year.

Students must have at least 70% overall average and have achieved 80% or higher average on the most recent term of full-time studies to participate in CIE exchange opportunities.

If you require academic or other accommodations abroad, please connect with a Go Global Advisor six weeks before applying.

Graduate students

You must have finished at least one year of full-time studies at UBC before going abroad and be a student in good standing with the support of your supervisor. 

Once accepted and matched to your partner institution, to ensure courses will transfer, you will need to get approval of your study plan and written permission from the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and your program supervisor before you go on exchange.

The faculty may have additional requirements for the number of credits you can transfer and the minimum grades you must obtain per course. Please follow up with the faculty for further details.

If you require academic or other accommodations abroad, please connect with a Go Global Advisor six weeks before applying.

3. Your partner university: top 3 choices

Individual partner schools may have different requirements than those listed above. These could include language level assessments, cumulative average requirements, or a particular year level standing. 

See the Go Global Partner University pages or check the Summer Abroad pages to ensure you meet the correct eligibility requirements. 

These criteria are not eligible for appeal.

If you require academic or other accommodations abroad, connect with a Go Global Advisor six weeks before applying.